While selecting a Washing Machine for our home, we always want to know each and every thing about all the best selling washing machines including features, user reviews, serviceability and latest technologies offered.

So to provide you ample information about Top-10 Best Washing Machines in India in 2021, I have created this blog Best Washing Machines where I have reviewed a number of washing machines and categorized them in different articles as per your need.

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About | Best Washing Machines

Hello, I am Sagar A. from Pune, and I am a Mechanical Engineer working full time as a Design Engineer. I am experienced with the design of washing machines and I am always keen to know about latest features & technologies in the washing machine from the engineering point of view.

So as my hobby of being a writer, I have started this blog Best Washing Machines, where I have put my knowledge and understanding about washing machines so as to make it helpful for you while selecting a washing machine for your home use.

What ‘Best Washing Machines’ Offers?

Basically there are 2 types of washing machine, top load and front load.

So if you are specifically looking for any of the type of washing machine, you should refer my below two main articles.

Budget Consideration at ‘Best Washing Machines’

Washing Machine is a costly home appliance, so it has buyers with all budget ranges.

So keeping the budget of my readers in mind, I have created different articles where I have reviewed different washing machines which falls under specified budget.

‘Best Washing Machines’ as per Family Sizes

Basically there are various capacities of washing machines from 5.5 kg to 12 kg. So based on your family size you may required different capacity washing machines.

So on this blog I have categorized Washing Machines into two major categories as per family members.

What else to expect from ‘Best Washing Machines’?

We have variety of other articles explaining different washing machine technologies, accessories and also brand comparisons.

You can always check out our top bar to reach at every section.


Final Words from Author

So that’s all about ‘Best Washing Machines’. I hope you will find my blog useful in selecting washing machine for your home use.

If you have any questions or comments about my blog, do comments on related articles or contact me through Contact page.

Thank you.